Saturday, August 23, 2008

I love to pee and poop!

I think I am going to fill up Eagle County's landfill all by myself. A little financial advice... buy Pampers stock now, because I have greatly increased demand! I have been pretty busy lately and every time I hear my Daddy's voice I like to poop. I have already pee'd on my Dad three times, on the changing table a half dozen and last night I pee'd all the way to where my clothes are hanging in the closet. I even pee'd on my own head. My favorite highlight poop of the week was when my Mom and YaYa (Kelly's Mom) where trying to air out my red little bottom and I projectile pooped at least two feet on my Mom's pants. All this Olympic hype has really gotten me in the spirit. I think I am going for the poopy Gold! Move over Phelps, I have more Gold in my diaper than you have around your neck.

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