Thursday, October 16, 2008

I am learning to speak Texan

On my trip to Texas, I have learned a whole new language. Here are a couple of new words and sayings that I have learned:

Buy - This does not mean to purchase something as Dad's states. It is used as "Buy, I am fixin to go to the store"

All You Ya'll: "Everyone within an ears shot, listen to me. I am fixin to blow bubbles, all you ya'll better watch"

Fixin' To: I am about to do something. Example... "I am fixin to poop in my Texas Longhorn's outfit"

Meatetarian: A meal full of all beef

Saturday: A day where everyone wears burnt orange

Sunday: A day where everyone wears a Star

It's Cald Outside: It is currently 65 degrees

Cows are Pissin on a flat rock: It is really raining outside

Lakin': To play at the lake


Anonymous said...

Sounds like (as if) y'all have been in Nocona. They also know how to make a two syllable word from "what" - as in Waut?


jacquieOya said...

I thought "fixin' to" was proper english until I used it in an english paper my freshman year of college and my prof that I'd lost my mind.

jacquieOya said...

*my prof thought that

...I still suck at english.