Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh My Gosh, I Have Fingers!!!

Dad swears I have had them all the time, because he said he counted them when I came out, but I just discovered them this week. They make me a little confused. Sometimes they are there, sometimes I can't find them any where. I am happiest when I try to get my whole hand in my mouth and I am really sad when I can't find them. Mom and Dad keep telling me they are there the entire time, but I don't believe them. By the way, I have been eating really well. Mom thinks I will be 9+ lbs by next week. Dad says I have already grown a third chin. Three sounds better than one, so I happy about that. I am going to watch my first Colorado Buffalo Football game tonight with Dad. Pics coming soon of Granny and Pop Pop's visit from yesterday.

Friday, August 29, 2008

My First FAC

Dad really wanted to get mom and I out of the house, so he took us to my first ever FAC at the Wolcott Yacht Club. The name sounds fancy, but it's really just a hole in the wall on the side of the road. I got to hang out with a bunch of other kids, while the moms talked about breast feeding and sleeping - My two favorite things.
By the way, I LOVE TO SLEEP. Dad is knocking on wood right now. I don't get it. Here are some pics that Dad took of mommy and me following my big night out at the bar with his new lens that the grand parents and mommy got him for his birthday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Uncle Kevin is in the House!

I met Uncle Kevin tonight. He flew up from Dallas for fifteen hours just to see me! Wow that is cool. I am not sure where Dallas is, but Dad says I will see it soon. I also met Great Uncle Bruce tonight via video phone and he played the University of Texas fight song. It made Dad cry, but Mom and Unkie Kevin were cheering.

I have had a big week. I gained 1 whole pound this week. Unkie tells me that is 14.285714% gain in one week. It makes Mom happy and me poop even more! I went on my first grocery store visit today. I did pretty well. Mom let ride in the cart. My favorite thing to do is go to the dog park with my brother Kyan and play frisbee. I ride in a chest back and usually sleep, but I love it. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I love to pee and poop!

I think I am going to fill up Eagle County's landfill all by myself. A little financial advice... buy Pampers stock now, because I have greatly increased demand! I have been pretty busy lately and every time I hear my Daddy's voice I like to poop. I have already pee'd on my Dad three times, on the changing table a half dozen and last night I pee'd all the way to where my clothes are hanging in the closet. I even pee'd on my own head. My favorite highlight poop of the week was when my Mom and YaYa (Kelly's Mom) where trying to air out my red little bottom and I projectile pooped at least two feet on my Mom's pants. All this Olympic hype has really gotten me in the spirit. I think I am going for the poopy Gold! Move over Phelps, I have more Gold in my diaper than you have around your neck.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My First Moment

I have been brewing in my mommy's belly since Thanksgiving. My due date was August 16th, but my Daddy was hoping for his birthday, August 8th. He thought it would be cool to be born on the opening day of the Olympics- 08/08/08, but I tricked him. I decided to come out on 08/17/08 at 3:32PM. If you look closely at the math, I really did honor his wishes of the number 8 and the Olympics. You know 8 is my Dad's favorite number. If you look at my birth date and time real close, you will see what I was doing.

Year Born = 2008 known as 08

Month Born: The 8th month known as 08

Day: 17 otherwise know as 1+7= 08

Time Born: 3:32 otherwise known as 3+3+2= 08

I was born on the same day Michael Phelps won his eighth gold medal in the 2008 Olympics

making 08-08-08 at 08

When I took my first breath, the nurses put me on my Mommy's belly with a ski hat with the words "Vail Baby." I was really excited to see my mom. My eyes were wide open and I could see her tears of joy. My Dad says he has never seen someone fall in love so quickly! I was really happy that my Mom took such great care of me in her belly. She didn't even take any drugs in delivery, so I was bright eye, bushy tailed and ready for milk.

The room I was delivered in had a great view of Vail ski mountain. My Daddy said people pay big money for a view like that. I do not know much about that, but I am excited to ski that mountain someday soon! DaPaw, my Mommy's daddy said he is ready to take me skiing.

If you can believe it, all four of my grand parents were in the waiting room when I came flying into the world. I feel really lucky. I like them a lot, but I have to tell you - they have funny "flashes" that come out of these funny small boxes they hold up to their eyes all the time. They keep calling it a picture, but I have no idea what they are talking about. They just keep doing it over and over!

I need some rest, but I will tell you about the rest of my first week really soon!